'Win With Black Men' Live in support of 2024 presidential nominee Kamala Harris
Journalist Roland Martin invites black men to speak up with their support for VP Kamala Harris as the next potential U.S. president
Writer’s note on July 24, 2024: I cut my social media browsing in half once I shut down my Twitter account (since 2008) two years ago. The downside? Without my nonstop tweeting, I sleep through major grassroots events going on. Unfortunately, I didn’t know about #WinWithBlackWomen until after Roland Martin’s live follow-up of #WinWithBlackMen the next day. Check out how these 90,000 black women (and allies) made such an impact!
When I started this Substack series, I very specifically wanted to clarify this is one black woman’s vote. I don’t speak for the black vote as a whole, for women as a whole or even Chicago as a whole. I speak for me and me alone (with some nationwide stats and reporting here and there).

In 2016, before I’d heard of Substack, I was impressed by the number of black men in my social circle who supported a qualified woman candidate. I was also disappointed in what I was seeing online (especially with celebrities) eight years ago. (I was not familiar with Black Star Network at the time.)
Recommended Read: “Kamala Harris smashes fundraising record with stunning $81 million haul over 24 hours”
Today, it’s refreshing to see how journalist/broadcaster Roland Martin is defying those stereotypes less than 48 hours after President Joe Biden endorsed current VP Kamala Harris as the new Democratic presidential nominee. I’m enjoying seeing so many everyday black men — and celebrities such as Hill Harper*, Bill Bellamy, Don Cheadle and Michael Eric Dyson — in support of a qualified (black and Indian) woman candidate for the (potential next) president of the United States of America. Check it out!
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* Did you know actor/author Hill Harper is running for U.S. Senate in Michigan? Click here to find out more info on his campaign and here to check out his interview with Ed Gordon.
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