Don't clutch your pearls through Stormy Daniels' testimony if you didn't do so from Trump's bus ride
Trump's attorneys claim the adult film star's testimony is reason for a mistrial

After yesterday’s testimony with adult film star Stormy Daniels, the judge admitted some of the details in Donald Trump’s hush money trial were “better left unsaid.”
By now, casual followers of Stormy Daniels’ story already know about the (alleged) 2006 incident when she went to the bathroom and came back to Trump wearing boxers and a T-shirt. I shook my head when I first heard this because it reminded me of a college friend saying the same thing happened to her with a guy we both knew from our dorms. Even for college kids, surprise stripping is weirdo behavior.

And by now, we all know she claims she’s been intimate with him. However, yesterday’s testimony certainly added a few extra clarifications. Stormy Daniels further clarified that this was not a forced situation, stating that he “stood up between me and the door. Not in a threatening manner. He didn’t come at me, he didn’t rush at me. Nothing like that.”
(Writer’s note: With 26 women already accusing him of sexual assault, that detail is significant regardless of the hush money trial. However, she did say she was ashamed that she didn’t say “no” and that her hands were shaking when she was putting her shoes back on.)
Although comical to hear that she demonstrated his initial position — one arm back and lifted her leg in the witness box — I’m assuming the jury’s smiles may have dropped at hearing she “blacked out” while they had sex: From CNN: “I had my clothes and my shoes off. I removed my bra. We were in missionary position.”
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However, for the Court of Public Opinion, Stormy Daniels’ pose demonstration and the “missionary” line is when his supporters started clutching their pearls. I’m reading comment after comment from his supporters talking about how inappropriate her testimony was.
Meanwhile, these are coming from the same people who think “grab them by the pussy” is just “locker room talk.” I cannot fathom why the 2005 “jokes” about sexual assault with Billy Bush from “Access Hollywood” aren’t considered far more graphic than anything Stormy Daniels could possibly say.