Hillary Clinton is proof of why we should ignore the polls
Anti-Biden supporters point to how Trump is winning in 2023 polls but ignore how states like South Carolina turned the vote around in 2020

The polls are split between Hillary Clinton winning and … Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide. (Vox)
All told, Clinton leads Trump by 12 percentage points among likely voters, 50 to 38 percent, in the national survey, her highest support and his lowest to date in ABC News and ABC News/Washington Post polls. (ABC News)
With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project. (Reuters)
The final round of public polling showed Clinton with a lead of 1 to 7 percentage points in the national popular vote. (Pew Research)
A survey from the Princeton Election Consortium has found that Hillary Clinton has a 99 percent chance of winning the election over Donald Trump. (Independent)
These are just a handful of reports I read before the 2016 election was complete. All the presidential polls swore up and down that the Park Ridge, Illinois, native was going to beat Donald Trump.

Meanwhile, I sat in my living room with teary eyes and watched the electoral college map change from blue to red. I’d seen how interviewees on news channels were blowing off “locker room talk” and E. Jean Carroll. I was not surprised by who won.
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When anybody starts rambling on about how the polls prove President Joe Biden won’t win a second term, my first question is the same: “You look mature to be 7 years old.” Then there’s a confused expression on the speaker’s face. My second response, “That’s the only way I can make sense of you still relying on polls. You had to have been born in 2016.”