Charlamagne tha Oblivious God is turning The Breakfast Club into FOX News
Jess can't fix the mess of The Breakfast Club

Writer’s note (July 13, 2024): I did not watch The Breakfast Club for four months. On June 4, YouTube sent me a TBC suggestion. I clicked on it to hate-listen. I was pleasantly surprised to learn of new journalist Morgyn Wood! While I do like her, Charlamagne and DJ Envy still sound about as qualified to discuss politics as Beavis and Butthead. I just can’t handle it.
I riddled comment sections for months in support of hiring Jess the Mess. Nowadays, I’m indifferent. Jess the Mess went to Clark Atlanta and smacked food into the microphone, adding absolutely nothing to the conversation on the upcoming presidential election. On another day, she ignored all of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s and Trump’s mudslinging to shame Jasmine Crockett for a trademark. Then, when Michael Eric Dyson showed up on the program, she didn’t appear until the end of the interview when the discussion was about porn.
One host goes for the low-hanging fruit. Another thinks he’s a neurologist and can diagnosis dementia, but can’t seem to use Google to learn of Biden’s contributions. And the third host didn’t have a clue what the Affordable Care Act was and said, “That’s why you’re here, Morgyn.” I turned it off and unsubscribed (again) within a week.

Today, I learned about Charlamagne’s partnership with Reasoned Choice Media and Angela Rye. I’d been binge-watching “Native Land Pod” since the Fourth of July and had no idea there was a connection. Angela Rye is still making faces, cutting people off and is about as frustrating as she was on CNN. She’s smart, but she reminds me of that bossy girl at all slumber parties. They even had to do an apology podcast episode for “hurting her feelings.” Deep sigh.
I loved everything about Tiffany Cross, from her journalistic integrity, love of dogs and interest in world issues — until the n-word episode. After that, I unsubscribed from “ACross Generations.” I tried so hard to get past it, but the flippant and condescending way she handled the topic of the racial slur got under my skin. Her saying people on social media are “intellectually inferior” and repeatedly reminding everyone how much she doesn’t like talking about politics — on a POLITICAL podcast — just makes it worse.
Andrew Gillum is now my sole reason to support “Native Land Pod” afterward. I’m at the point of turning the volume down and muting the other two until he makes a point. I wanted to love this podcast so badly. Didn’t happen.
ORIGINAL POST (Date: February 28, 2024)
I blame myself for thinking a comedian, Jessica Moore, could fix everything I loathe about The Breakfast Club. And by “everything,” I mean the antics of Charlamagne tha God.
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I tapped out on listening to The Breakfast Club when Angela Yee, the third and original woman co-host, was still on the show. Between her incorporating a “my friend” story in every possible scenario, random blabbering about vagina smells in yoga class to Janelle Monae and gossiping about the body count of celebrity women (salute to K. Michelle for checking her in person), I would usually mute Angela Yee when she talked.
But I realized that method never works with Charlamagne, primarily because he talks over everybody. He stopped smelling women’s seats when they left the room (ex. Jennifer Lopez), stopped talking about “sucking a fart out of her butt” regarding attractive women celebrities (ex. Kelly Rowland, Patti Labelle), and stopped salivating over “nubian white queens” (ex. Katy Perry interview, which was oddly removed). He switched to becoming world’s least-convincing mental health advocate while making fun of people who actually have mental health conditions (ex. Tyrese).
I didn’t watch or listen to the show for a couple years, choosing to tolerate Peter Rosenberg on “Ebro In the Morning.” (I like Old Man Ebro, Laura Stylez, Kast One and — even though I’m mad he won’t vote — Shani Kulture.) Still, naive me gave The Breakfast Club another shot in 2023 when Angela Yee was gone and the the “gusbands” became oddly charismatic and funny. That didn’t last long.
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While Charlamagne interrupting Envy during the “Rumor Report” was agitating, the final straw for me this year is the nonstop interruptions of consultant Tezlyn Figaro.